Thursday, September 1, 2016

Septembers Preparation

September Currier’s Corner

September - that time when school starts back up, we once again settle into routines and schedules, and nature prepares for fall by giving us one last burst of harvest time and color.  It’s also a time for reflection on what we’ve accomplished so far, and how we want to change course for the last few months of the year before winters settles in.
Fall reminds us to take stock, to make sure all our preparations are made for the shifting seasons.  This a time to express gratitude for the bounty that we have been given.  There are many celebrations around the time of harvest that are a reminder to us to be grateful for all that we have been given.  The importance of gratitude in our life is sometimes overlooked as we move along our spiritual path.  But it is gratitude, both the recognizing it and the expressing of it, that brings happiness and joy into our lives.  Gratitude acknowledges that we have received gifts of many different varieties from many sources.  It says to the universe, “I see your great deeds” and through this recognition we are in a position to recognize the blessings that we do have.  Gratitude then shifts to appreciation whereby we begin to acknowledge and grow from even the challenging aspects of our life.  By focusing on what we have and what we have shifted, we are able to manifest and bring more joy into our life.  There is a saying, “Energy flows where attention goes…” and that is what occurs when we take time to slow down and express gratitude and appreciation for what we have and what we have experienced. 

Sometimes finding gratitude can be difficult as we tend to look at big material things as source for our gratitude.  Simply being grateful for and appreciating waking up each day can bring about improved health.  Being grateful for one thing in a meal can manifest more food and nourishment.  Gratitude is a way to de-energize the “lack of” thoughts and generate abundance in all areas of your life.  So as we move into this phase of our seasonal cycle, take a moment and just express gratitude for the fact that you were able to read this article.  Then go thank a teacher. :)

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